Silos, tanks and dosing
Megatec Automation supplies dosing and weighing systems, as well as other dosing equipment for different industries.
The systems are developed and manufactured according to the customer's needs and tailored for each plant.

Level measurement for filling is done either by using level measuring systems or weighing cells.
Output from the silo is done either by means of a rotary feeder or a screw conveyor.
Powder is transported from the silo by means of compressed air or vacuum transfer.

Big bag dosing
When the daily raw material consumption exceeds 500 kg, big bag dosage can be an effective solution. Powder is dosed from the big bag stations with vacuum transport.
The bags can also be used as storage silos, and can be replaced without stopping the dosing. The station has the option of several bag sizes.
The dust removal system ensures a good working environment.

Small component dosing
Dosing of small components achieves accurate weighing using the "loss-in-weight" principle.
Transfer of the raw materials is done with vacuum transport.
Small component containers are connected to a dust removal system that ensures a dust-free environment.

Liquid dosing
Liquid dosing is done either by weighing or by using a flow meter.
Liquids can be dosed in a hopper scale or into a container placed on a platform scale.
With the water dosing system, water with the right amount and temperature is dispensed by adjusting the ratio of hot, cold and ice water automatically.

Sourdough production
Sourdough is prepared in fermentation tanks that are automatically dosed with flour, water and starter.
During the fermentation process, the system automatically controls stirring and temperature according to recipe.